I was always aware that forty was the age that a woman should begin getting their mammogram, unless there was a family history, then of course screening should start earlier. In July of 2015, I turned 40yrs old. I put off scheduling my appointment for months. Finally, the latter part of September, I had my first mammogram.
The mammogram revealed that I had a tumor in my left breast. After a biopsy was completed, results determined that I had stage 2B breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. As anyone could imagine, I was devasted!
The first thing I thought was “I am going to die!” My treatment process started in October of 2015. I underwent 12 rounds of Chemotherapy within four months followed by 32 treatments of radiation and then surgery. I could have not gone through this process without the mighty presence of God in my life. During this time, I developed a relationship with Him, where I learned to trust God in all things.
In addition, I had a great support system that consisted of a wonderful husband, attentive daughter, dedicated parents, loving family, loyal close friends, amazing coworkers, a praying church and prayer groups. I truly believe that individuals that have a great support system are able to successfully endure the many challenges associated with fighting cancer.
During my treatment process, The Lord revealed to me that all I needed to do was “Trust Him” so I coined the saying that I would often times say during my journey “ Not Tripping Just Trusting”! I wanted my diagnosis to be used to first glorify The Lord for His healing and also show others how to turn trials into triumphs.
As a recent survivor of breast cancer, I am all too familiar with the needs of someone battling the disease. When a person is undergoing treatment the side effects of the medication can interfere with their ability to work. I wanted to be able to alleviate the burden of financial stress of patients going through treatment. I also wanted to support other women fighting this disease with handmade comfort packages and offer encouragement from a survivor’s point of view. Therefore, in 2017 I started My Sistah’s Pink Journey. A 501 (c) (3) non-profit foundation that helps those in need of meeting their financial obligations while they receive chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Our mission is to provide encouragement, comfort care packages and most importantly financial support to “Sistah’s” during their journey as they fight breast cancer. It is through this foundation that I share my story and give others HOPE!